OpenCart: How to Update the CleanTalk Anti-Spam Extension



1. Go to OpenCart Administrator Panel -> Extensions -> Modifications -> Choose the modification "Anti-Spam by CleanTalk" -> Press the button "Delete"



2. Download the extension archive.

3. Go to OpenCart Administrator Panel -> Extensions -> Installer -> Upload the archive with the plugin.



4. Go to the tab Extensions -> Modules.

OpenCart Anti-Spam plugin install

find a row "Anti-Spam by CleanTalk" in the table and install the plugin.

OpenCart Anti-Spam plugin install

5. Go to Extensions -> Modifications -> choose "Anti-Spam by CleanTalk" and click the refresh button to rebuild your modification cache.

OpenCart Anti-Spam plugin install

6. Go to Settings.

OpenCart Anti-Spam plugin settings


7. Copy the Access key from your CleanTalk Dashboard and paste it in the "Access key" field, set up the modification and press the button "Save changes".

OpenCart Anti-Spam plugin options



Congratulations. The Anti-Spam is updated!


Notice: If you have any errors after installation of the extension, please, do the following:

Go to the folder: "/storage/cache" -> Clear all Data.


Please go to Dashboard to see the Anti-Spam status, add new websites or manage existing ones!



If you haven't found the answer to your question, please, contact our support team:



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