AS56089 OFFRATEL, page 2

Spam statistics of AS56089 OFFRATEL

CountryNumber of networksIP AddressesPurpose of use
New Caledonia146Hosting
DomainDetected IP addressesSpam active IPsSpam rate
Websites countIP addresses with websites

Spam activity log

- spam active IP adresses

About AS56089

Ownership of AS56089

AS56089 is owned by OFFICEMAX AUSTRALIA LTD, a company that primarily operates in the retail space providing office supplies and stationery.

Main Operational Activity of AS56089's Owner

The main operational activity of OFFICEMAX AUSTRALIA LTD includes the sale of various office supplies, ranging from furniture to technology products and other stationery items. They cater to the needs of businesses, schools, and individual consumers through both physical stores and an online platform.

Establishment of AS56089

The exact establishment date of AS56089 is not publicly disclosed. Generally, information about when an Autonomous System Number (ASN) is established can be obtained from regional internet registries or historical records, but such details are beyond the scope of this response without access to specific databases or resources.

Misuse of AS56089

Like many networks, AS56089 may be subject to misuse by hackers or spammers with malicious intent. However, there is no specific or detailed public evidence suggesting that AS56089 is frequently used for such purposes. For real-time data on potential misuse, organizations like CleanTalk provide databases and blacklist checking tools that monitor various ASNs for spam or malicious activities.

CleanTalk Details on AS56089

As per CleanTalk, a service that monitors IP addresses for signs of spam or malicious activities, there may be some reports or instances where AS56089 has been flagged. To get updated and detailed information regarding any potential threats or abuse coming from AS56089, one would need to visit CleanTalk's website directly and use their search tool to pull the latest data for this ASN.

WhoIs AS56089


Detected networks prefixes

#Network prefixCountryLengthDetected IP addressesSpam active IP addressesSpam rate
31202.22.144.0/22New Caledonia10243400.00%
32202.22.148.0/22New Caledonia1024900.00%
33202.22.152.0/22New Caledonia10241300.00%
34202.22.156.0/22New Caledonia10244600.00%
35202.166.180.0/22New Caledonia10241200.00%
36203.104.48.0/21New Caledonia20483400.00%
37203.104.48.0/22New Caledonia10241700.00%
38203.104.52.0/22New Caledonia10241700.00%