API send_feedback
This API should be used only for moderator feedback. It doesn't check spam. It sends back the result of manual moderation. The method accepts feedback only for requests made no more than 7 or 45 days (if the Additional package is activated) ago.
For other purposes you could use other methods:
- check_message - Post/commentary check.
- check_newuser - Registrations check.
- spam_check - mass check for IPs, emails for spam activity.
- backlinks_check - mass check for backlinks in spam comments.
- Nginx Anti-Spam Module - check all POST requests for spam
- Universal Anti-Spam Plugin - this plugin can be installed on any custom websites or CMS.
Required parameters:
- method_name - should be 'send_feedback';
- auth_key - Access key. To obtain a key please get an account here https://cleantalk.org/register?platform=api;
- feedback - string like "<request_id1>:<0|1>;<request_id2>:<0|1>;<request_id3>:<0|1>;" where <0|1> is moderator decision about appropriate request_id (1 is NOT SPAM, 0 is SPAM)
Wget request:
wget -O- --post-data='{"method_name":"send_feedback","auth_key":"your_acccess_key","feedback":"4e8bc562bdaed613107d8b8695:0;4bd0105024bbaf60c57176b766e:1"}' https://moderate.cleantalk.org/api2.0
Server's response doesn't depend on the platform.
"received " : 2,
"comment" : "OK"
- received - number of received request IDs;
- comment - server answer, normally 'Ok';
If you haven't found the answer to your question, please, contact our support team:
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